spring blossoms on campus

Volunteer Translator and Interpreter Program

Gain practice and earn co-curricular credentials at the same time!

Are you a native speaker of Arabic, Spanish, French, Creole, or any other language – including “small” languages?

Have you been interpreting for family or friends?

Better: are you currently enrolled in a translation or interpreting course at Montclair State University?

Then your skills are in high demand!

If you are interested in volunteering as an interpreter or translator for local communities and NGOs, a program has been created especially for you by the Center for Translation and Interpreting.

How does it work?

  1. Sign in to the Volunteer Center from the Hawksync page. This will ensure that your service hours are recorded on your co-curricular transcript.
  2. Click on “Forms” and submit the Translator/Interpreters Volunteer Interest Form to receive calls sent to the group.
  3. When you volunteer for a community partner, record your hours on the Community Service Hour Log and submit your log (step-by-step instructions in the Community Service Packet). Any hour you submit will appear on your official co-curricular transcript, which increases your marketability to prospective employers

The following community partners have an ongoing, unmet need for interpreters:

  • the International Rescue Committee (all languages)
  • the Syria Supper Club (Arabic). The Syria Supper Club needs four (4) Arabic-English interpreters every weekend.

For more information, please contact Dr. Laurence Jay-Rayon Ibrahim Aibo at jayrayonibrl@yopin365.com.